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Tejas Morkar

Assoc Software Engineer @Veritas, Machine Learning Enthusiast | Diving deep into Cloud Solutions and Kubernetes

Sideline Projects πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Sketch to Color

Sketch to Color Image generation is an image-to-image translation model using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks as described in the original paper by Phillip Isola, Jun-Yan Zhu, Tinghui Zhou, Alexei A. Efros 2016, Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks.

The model was trained on the Anime Sketch-Colorization Pair Dataset available on Kaggle which contains 14.2k pairs of Sketch-Color Anime Images. The training of the model was done for 150 epochs which took approximately 23 hours on a single GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Graphic Card and 16 GB RAM.

ToxicityZero Discord Bot

Bot for helping reduce toxicity level on discord servers to zero!

This is a discord bot that I built while giving a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors presentation on how to build Discord bots using discord.js and tensorflow.js libraries. It was then deployed on Azure App Services using the continuous WebJobs for guaranteed uptime of the bot.

You can find the entire session recording and presentation slide deck on this link.

Crwn Clothing React App

A demo shopping web app built using React

You can Sign Up / Sign In using email address and password or google account, explore Hats, Jackets, and Sneakers for Women and Men, add items to cart, add/ remove items from checkout page, and pay using Stripe's test Visa card.

Streamlit App for Housing Price Prediction Tutorial

This is a Streamlit Web App that hosts a Housing Price prediction model that can be tweaked on the web itself. You can try to change number of neurons, learning rate, and epochs. It is an exploratory tutorial into the California Housing Price dataset and the building of the prediction model using TensorFlow in python.

If you are like me or any other Machine Learning enthusiast, the worst nightmare for you, obviously other than the Cuda errors, must be deploying the model elsewhere to present your work to your friends and networks on the internet. There are many ways to go around and achieve this, I think Streamlit is one of the go-to solution for it.

Sudoku Solver

This is a project which takes an input of the sudoku puzzles as an 81 characters long string containing the digits from 0 to 9, where 0 represents an unfilled cell of the Sudoku Board. The objective of the algorithm is to replace all the zeros with valid digits such that the entire Sudoku Puzzle is solved. For doing this in a conventional way, the processor will require to try all 2*1077 possible combinations in a worst case scenario which is a huge number. So, to solve this problem in a comparatively less time, the Backtracking Algorithm is one of the best solutions to it.

Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9Γ—9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3Γ—3 subgrids that compose the grid contain all of the digits from 1 to 9. (Source - Wikipedia)

Community Involvement πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program Badge

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador


The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program is a global group of on-campus ambassadors who are eager to help students and their communities, lead in their local tech circles, and develop technical and career skills for the future. As a Student Ambassador, one might find themselves organizing a campus or community hackathon, mentoring other students, or volunteering with an elementary school STEM class.

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Management Head at DSC PCCoE


Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. A community of Developers, Designers and Programmers. By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community.

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XRDS Magazine

Department Editor at XRDS


XRDS, formerly Crossroads, is the flagship academic magazine for student members of the Association for Computing Machinery. Issues focus on computer science topics and are published quarterly in both print and electronic forms. The magazine is distributed to tens of thousands of students worldwide.

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Pie & AI Logo

Pie & AI Event Ambassador


Pie & AI is a series of DeepLearning.AI meetups independently hosted by a global AI community. Events typically include conversations with leaders in the world, thought-provoking discussions, networking opportunities with your fellow learners, hands-on project practice, and pies (or other desserts you prefer.)

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Webmaster at PCCoE ACM Student Chapter


I am a webmaster at PCCOE ACM Student Chapter. The responsibilities include designing and development of the official website for the chapter, organizing technical events in the department, bringing new opportunities for the students in terms of projects, workshops, and seminars and handling all the digital functionalities of the chapter.

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Presentations πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«

Introduction to GANs - Exploring the Potential of Generative AI

Date: 4th Nov, 2023

Agenda: Introductory session about Generative AI with a main focus on Generative Adversarial Networks. It covers the architecture of GANs, its types, and everything you might want to know to get excited about diving deep into this topic. The session also included a code walkthrough of the implementation of a Conditional GAN to train on Sketch-to-Image generation. You can find more details of this project in this GitHub repo.

This presentation was a part of ATAL Academy Faculty Development Program on Computer Vision for Multidisciplinary Research.

A Brief Intro to Containerization, Azure, and MLSA

Date: 10th Sep, 2022

Agenda: Introductory information about containerization; Why businesses are moving towards containerized applications for deployment; Ways to start exploring containers; Fundamentals about Azure and its services; and a brief about the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors program

End to End AI Discord Bot - Using NodeJs and Deploying to Azure App Services

Date: 27th Mar, 2021

In this session, an AI enabled discord bot that uses a Text Toxicity Detection model to warn and flag unwanted messages on any discord server was built. The bot was built using the discord.js library and was deployed on Azure App Services to make the it available for all the discord servers.

Pie & AI: Pune - Intro to GANs

Date: 17th Oct, 2020

Pie & AI is a series of DeepLearning.AI meetups independently hosted by community groups. This event is hosted by PCCoE ACM Student Chapter. Special thanks to their support!

Pie & AI: Pune - Intro to GANs will be an event for beginners in the Machine Learning domain who want to know more about this beautiful idea of GANs. It will introduce the attendees to GANs, their various types, and use cases along with a proper understanding of its concept. The attendees will leave the event with better knowledge about it and a clear path of what can and cannot be done using GANs and will have a clear idea of where to start studying it.

Opensource - Why and How?

Date: 20th Sep, 2020

This is a hands-on workshop for getting started with open-source collaborations. It was a part of DSC PCCoE event in partnership with PCCoE ACM Student Chapter.

My Articles ✍

  • Software is for Humans

    Software is a set of instructions that a machine follows. But is that it? Is it just the task that we humans assign the machines to do or is it something more than that? Read More...

  • Beginner-friendly resources for Machine Learning

    Machine Learning is in a stage of booming and there is a lot of interesting research work going on. Everyone wants to understand it and break into AI for utilizing its power. Unfortunately, it is often perceived as a miraculous black box that takes some input data and gives out magical predictions but it has got so much more to it than that. Students and developers from various traits and fields want to start using Machine Learning in their projects but the important question is, β€œWhere do I begin with Machine Learning?” Read More...

  • How to use Streamlit to deploy your ML models wrapped in beautiful Web Apps

    Don’t waste your time learning Django or Flask and focus more on the Machine Learning part! Read More...

  • Sketch-to-Color Image Generation | GANs

    Learning to Build a Model for Sketch-to-Color Image Generation using Conditional GANs. Read More...

  • Generative Adversarial Networks | GANs

    Understanding GANs in a Simpler way. Referring to GANs, Yann LeCun, the chief AI Scientist at Facebook and ACM Turing Award Laureate has publicly quoted that the Adversarial Training is, β€œThe most interesting idea in the last 10 years in ML.” Read More...

Misc πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ

  • This website is highly inspired from Andrej Karpathy's website and is built using pure HTML & CSS without using any frameworks, encouraged by this satirical website.
  • You can download my resume from here.
  • Social media icons on this website are made by Dave Gandy from